Now that the first fish was recorded and in the fish box it was time to relax and enjoy the rest of the fishing trip. That day the crew of the ‘LizAnne’ boxed 3 Wahoo and 3 Dolphin; as well as hooking up to a sailfish and shark by surprise. All and all it was a great fishing day and the weather couldn’t have been any better. ‘LizAnnes’ port #2 was Port Lucaya around Freeport area. Port Lucaya was a much more populated Marina and a very popular fishing spot. To some it is the hub of the Grand Bahamas for fishing and for college students it was known as Spring Break 09. As ‘LizAnne’ pulled into her slip the surroundings were lively with yachts, loud music and chanting college student as the typical scene. Being the newbie’s all eyes were on the boat as they pulled in. Once the detailing and fish cleaning was done, everyone was ready for a well deserved cocktail and some fresh caught raw and cooked fish.
The Final results for the next day of fishing was 6 Dolphin on an exciting time. Everybody had a chance to contribute in the action and no body was left out of the fights. With the trip concluded as the first- it will begin as the start of many that this sport fishing boat will face. All and all it was a great trip and the crew and family of 'LizAnne' can finally label this boat with a 'FISHING' stamp.